We were asked all along our meetings with shops for something called a “linesheet”. Wow, wait a sec… The first time we'd ever heard that, we thought it was a sort of form we had to fill in or something, but as soon as we came back home, we googled it and discovered - again - a brand new world.
Basically, a line sheet is a visual and concise list of your products which has to contain at least the following elements:
Who you are
Product names
Existing declinaisons for each product (sizes, colors...)
References / SKU
Prices (also called Recommended Retail Prices or “RRP”)
Shipping / Return / Minimum order / Payment policies
Your contact information
Now for the best part, here are some tips for you based on our experience:
Set a minimum order quantity for each product
Indicate clearly whether a particular product is a “best seller” or a “new product” (add a particular color, a ribbon… get wild!)
Be crystal clear with your legal information: VAT numbers and address must be verifiable.
Don’t forget that this document might be the only thing a retailer will ever see about you so let it shine and, most importantly, look like what you really are about.
We worked a lot to have a linesheet corresponding to our values: the photos, descriptions and layout are relevant to our designs and our tone. The most difficult part for us wasn’t to regroup everything in a single place nor to create the actual content, but rather to have the very best of what we built in the past 6 months explained briefly and sincerely on a couple of pages.
Share your experience, questions and feedbacks with us, we will be happy to help! Also, register to our newsletter to receive the next articles with more tips, tutorials and real time stories about our journey.